Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Chirag Paswan, who have been at odds for the past four years, met in Patna today. The meeting, facilitated by key leaders from the BJP, marks a potential improvement in their strained alliance as Chirag Paswan contests on only 5 seats in the upcoming elections while JD(U) is contesting on 16. The meeting was also seen as a move towards projecting a unified front in the face of growing criticism and speculation about succession plans.
Learn about the life and actions of Sepoy Mangal Pandey, whose firing on the Sergeant Major of his regiment sparked the Revolt of 1857 in India. Discover the role of Awadh, and the contentious land revenue system, in the British East India Company's rule over India. From his birth in a Brahmin family to his defiance and eventual execution, Pandey's story is a reminder of the impact of British colonialism on India's history and people.