After a heated meeting at his residence Varsha in Mumbai, Eknath Shinde has agreed to become the Deputy CM of Maharashtra, joining hands with Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar in forming the state's new government. The swearing-in ceremony is set for December 5 at Azad Maidan in Mumbai, with the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. Fadnavis emphasized that the post of Chief Minister is a "technical arrangement" and he will work with his two deputies to lead Maharashtra to greater heights.
Amidst the ongoing political turmoil in Maharashtra, the Mahayuti alliance of BJP, Shiv Sena, and NCP has named Devendra Fadnavis as their pick for the Chief Minister's post. The swearing-in ceremony is set to take place on December 5th at Azad Maidan in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Central observers Nirmala Sitharaman and Vijay Rupani have been appointed to oversee the decision, which will be finalized during a meeting with the state's BJP legislative party. Over 2,000 women are expected to attend the ceremony, which will also include CMs from 22 states and top ranking BJP leaders.
Actor Vivek Oberoi shares his journey of transitioning from a successful actor to a successful entrepreneur in an exclusive interview. Despite facing a stagnant period in Bollywood, Oberoi turned to entrepreneurship and established multiple successful businesses. He also opens up about dealing with industry politics and the importance of having a backup plan.