After facing intense opposition and legal hurdles, Siddharth P Malhotra's film "Maharaj" has finally released on Netflix. Inspired by a true story, the film is an adaptation of Saurabh Shah's book and revolves around the Maharaj libel case. Starring Junaid Khan and Jaideep Ahlawat, the film faced a legal battle in the Gujarat High Court before its release. Director Malhotra expressed immense pride in the film and urged audiences to watch and share it.
It's a proud moment for Aamir Khan and his fans, as his son Junaid Khan makes his Bollywood debut with the historical drama 'Maharaj'. Directed by Sidharth P Malhotra, the film has received rave reviews for both its storyline and Junaid's acting skills. Aamir expressed his joy and pride for Junaid's success, while Junaid himself is overwhelmed by the positive response. Don't miss the opportunity to witness a promising new talent in the industry.
After facing a legal battle, Junaid Khan's debut film Maharaj is finally available to stream on Netflix. The film, inspired by a real-life case, tells the story of a social reformer who brings about positive changes in society. Director Siddharth P Malhotra shared a heartfelt note on social media, expressing his feelings about the release, and urged fans to watch and support the film.
The newly-released Netflix film 'Maharaj' boasts of progressive themes and a star-studded cast, but fails to deliver on its promises. Based on a true story and set in 1860s Bombay, the film follows the life of Karsan, a journalist who champions women's rights. However, the film's protagonist is actually a terrible person who shamelessly gaslights and abandons his fiancee after she is raped by a powerful local priest. With questionable morals and lazy writing, 'Maharaj' is an utter disappointment.
The latest releases on OTT platforms this week are guaranteed to provide entertainment, action and thrill for viewers. The fourth season of 'The Boys' will be released on Amazon Prime Video, while 'Gangs of Godavari' will be available on Netflix in multiple languages. 'Maharaja', based on the Maharaj defamation case, will also be released on June 14 on Netflix. Fans of Telugu cinema can also catch the horror thriller 'Yakshini' on Amazon Prime Video this week.
Hindu Janajagruti Samiti raises concerns about the upcoming Netflix movie 'Maharaj', which follows the case of a journalist exposing a fraudulent Hindu guru. The organization claims this is yet another example of Hinduphobic content being promoted by OTT platforms for profit, influencing Hindu youth to move away from their cultural roots. In the light of previous controversies such as PK, Hindus are urged to voice their opposition to prevent the release of this potentially divisive film.