Actor Vishal stuns fans by appearing at pre-release event for his long-awaited film *Madha Gaja Raja* despite battling viral fever for over a week. Fans and event host Dhivya Darshini express concern for his health but admire his dedication and support for his film. Directed by Sundar C, the action-comedy also stars popular actresses Anjali and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, creating a buzz amongst fans. However, they also hope that Vishal takes care of his health and recovers soon to give his best performance in the film.
Tamil film, Madha Gaja Raja, directed by Sundar C, will finally hit theatres on January 12, marking its release after years of delays. Starring Vishal and Santhanam, the film has faced several obstacles, including financial issues and legal disputes. The star-studded cast and comedic trailer have generated buzz among fans, making it a much-awaited film for the Pongal festival. However, it will face competition from other releases during the festive season.
The popular actor and philanthropist, Sonu Sood, announced the release of his upcoming action film 'Fateh' through an Instagram post. He also revealed that the film will showcase gripping action sequences done by Hollywood stunt expert Lee Whitaker. In addition, Sonu shared that the film will highlight the issue of cybercrimes and cheating. Along with 'Fateh', Sonu has several other projects in his pipeline including 'Rambaan', 'Jewel Thief' and 'Madha Gaja Raja'.