During the Made by Google event, Google unveiled their new flagship devices, the Pixel 9 series, which are equipped with advanced AI features. The Tensor G4 processor and up to 16GB of RAM make these smartphones a game changer. Users can now summon Gemini to ask about the content on their screen, use the "Add Me" feature to seamlessly capture group photos, and enhance images with the "reimagine" feature. Google's new Weather app provides personalized reports based on the user's specific location, and a new AI-based image generation app allows for easy sharing through messaging and email.
At its ‘Made by Google’ event 2024, Google announced its latest generation of Pixel devices including the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pro XL, as well as the Pixel 9 Pro Fold. The company also unveiled the much-anticipated Pixel Watch 3 and the Pixel Buds Pro 2. Along with these hardware updates, Google is also expected to reveal the newest version of Android and introduce new Gemini AI features. The Pixel 9 series stands out with its Tensor G4 and Titan M3 co-processors, along with satellite SOS, ultrasonic fingerprint scanner, and enhanced AI capabilities, making them top contenders in the premium and ultra-premium categories.