In the gritty crime drama series, "Murder in Mahim," adapted from Jerry Pinto's novel, viewers are taken on a journey through the dark and complex world of Mumbai. As a series of murders shock the city, Inspector Shivajirao Jende and his team navigate through layers of prejudice, exploitation, and injustice, while also confronting their own personal demons. With brilliant performances by actors Ashutosh Rana and Vijay Raaz, the series delves into the delicate themes of familial relationships, societal norms, and the human struggle for justice, making it an engrossing and thought-provoking watch for all.
Actor Ashutosh Rana, in an interview with the Entertainment Bureau, shared his passion for acting and the thrill he experiences while seeing himself on screen. He will be seen portraying the character of Peter in the upcoming psychological thriller "Murder in Mahim". He also discussed the impact of OTT platforms on the content and popularity of crime and mystery films in India, and his honor to play compelling characters that resonate with audiences. The series, a social commentary, explores a mysterious murder case and the underworld of Mumbai, while also focusing on the reconciliation of a lost friendship between Peter and Jende, played by Vijay Raaz.