Maruthur Gopalan Ramachandran, known fondly as MGR, was not only a beloved film star in Tamil cinema, but also a revered political figure. Despite facing many challenges in his early life, MGR's determination helped shape him into the iconic 'Puratchi Thalaivar' (Revolutionary Leader). His political journey began with DMK and he quickly rose to become a prominent face of the party, earning a landslide victory in the Legislative Assembly elections. MGR's legacy continues to inspire generations, both in the entertainment industry and in politics.
The first look poster for Vaa Vaathiyaare was released on Karthi's birthday, featuring him as a hardcore fan of the late movie icon MG Ramachandran. Directed by Nalan Kumarasamy, the upcoming film is expected to be a comedy reflecting the everyday absurdity of life. Meanwhile, Karthi's brother Suriya also unveiled the first look poster for his upcoming film Meiyazhagan, starring Karthi and Arvind Swamy in the lead roles.