The popular reality show Celebrity MasterChef has kicked off its new season with a star-studded lineup, including contestants like Tejasswi Prakash and Abhijeet Sawant. However, the promos have already hinted that the journey may not be as easy as anticipated. In one clip, Indian Idol winner Abhijeet Sawant struggles to impress judge Farah Khan with his cooking, while in another, Tejasswi Prakash reveals her love for food and how she plans to express it through the show. The excitement and challenges of the first day of Celebrity MasterChef have already captured the attention of foodies and fans alike.
Popular actress Dipika Kakar, who took a break from acting to focus on her family, is all set to make a comeback with the cooking reality show Celebrity MasterChef. Her husband, Shoaib Ibrahim, took to social media to express his pride and support for her, with many fans also sending their well wishes. The show, which features several other well-known celebrities, will be airing on Sony TV starting January 27, 2025.