Keeway, a Hungary-based two-wheeler manufacturer, has entered the Indian market with the launch of its K300 Street Fighter. It is being offered at a special discounted price for the first 100 buyers, making it an appealing option for those looking for an affordable quarter-litre motorcycle. With its powerful engine and stylish design, the Keeway K300 SF competes with big names in the 250cc segment like Hero Xtreme 250R, TVS Apache RTR 310, KTM Duke 250, and more. Don't miss out on this exciting addition to the Indian two-wheeler market!
Keeway, through its affiliate firm AARI, has launched the K300 SF as a limited edition motorcycle in India. With an introductory price of INR 1.69 lakh, the company aims to attract early adopters looking for an upscale yet affordable riding experience. The bike boasts a powerful engine, dual-channel ABS, and a sporty streetfighter design, making it a strong contender in the upscale motorcycle segment. Don't miss out on this exclusive offer – subscribe to our newsletter now for more updates on the latest launches!