At the 77th Cannes Film Festival, Indian film 'All We Imagine As Light' directed by Payal Kapadia received the prestigious Grand Prix award, while American film 'Anora' by Sean Baker won the Palme D'Or. The Hindi-Malayalam film depicts the struggles of two Indian nurses living in Mumbai and was produced by a collaboration between French and Indian production companies. Fans can stay updated on the latest news and updates from the festival through the Manorama Online App.
At the Cannes Film Festival 2024, Indian actor Kani Kusruti made a powerful statement by posing with a watermelon clutch, symbolizing her solidarity with the ongoing war in Gaza. The images and videos quickly went viral on social media, with numerous users praising Kani's bold gesture. Her film 'All We Imagine As Light' also received a standing ovation, cementing its success at the prestigious festival.