Tensions have been high in Manipur's Kangpokpi district for the past week, leading to a violent attack on the office of the Superintendent of Police on Friday. Videos and images emerging from the town show armed individuals dressed in camouflage and damaged vehicles on the premises. The violence follows a confrontation between security forces and Kuki-Zo women in the district earlier in the week, which has sparked protests and demands for the removal of joint security forces stationed in the area. While the situation has been brought under control, locals estimate that 15 people from the mob were injured.
A recent operation by Indian Army, CRPF, and BSF personnel in Manipur's Kangpokpi Hills has led to tensions as women from the region protested the forces' presence. The operation was conducted to crackdown on violence and attacks in the area, but local villagers have been resisting the forces' efforts, blocking access to bunkers and even entering security posts. This incident highlights the complex relationship between security forces and local communities in the region, raising questions about the balance between maintaining peace and respecting the rights of the villagers. So, take our quiz and test your knowledge on the situation.
Former AICC chief and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi led the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra on its second day, which reached Zakhama, Nagaland, after passing through Manipur districts. During his brief halt at Kangpokpi, Rahul received memoranda from Kuki-Zo tribal leaders and was informed about the current situation, grievances, hardships, and human rights violations faced by the people. The yatra then reached Senapati district headquarters, dominated by Naga tribes, before crossing into Nagaland via Mao town.