Kangana Ranaut shows her support for actress Payal Ghosh, who has accused filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of sexual harassment. Kangana also criticizes the Bollywood industry for its treatment of "outsider girls," equating it to that of a "sex worker." This comes after Taapsee Pannu defended Anurag Kashyap and faced backlash from Twitter users for being a "hypocrite."
Union Home Minister Amit Shah and PM Narendra Modi hosted a special screening of 'The Sabarmati Report', a film based on the Godhra train burning incident, for NDA MPs. The political leaders shared their thoughts on the film and congratulated the cast and crew for their commendable effort. The screening was attended by prominent politicians and even included the presence of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut. Coinciding with the screening, actor Vikrant Massey also announced his retirement from films, thanking his fans for their support throughout the years.
In an exclusive interview with Lehran Retro, veteran actress Zarina Wahab spoke about her husband Aditya Pancholi's past affairs and allegations of abuse made against him by his ex-girlfriends. She confessed that she was always aware of his affairs and that she was prepared for them, but she also defended her husband's actions and praised him as a great husband and father. This comes after Kangana Ranaut filed a police complaint against Aditya for alleged assault and exploitation. Despite all the controversies, Zarina remains supportive of her husband.
Amidst the ongoing controversy between Kangana Ranaut and the government, Punjabi singer Jasbir Jassi has threatened to expose the actor's past behaviour if she continues to talk ill about his home state Punjab. He shared a shocking incident when the two of them got drunk together and how Kangana had no control over herself. The singer also called her a "mental case" and stated that she is a threat to the nation. Meanwhile, the Censor Board controversy around Kangana's upcoming film Emergency seems to be settling down as she has agreed to the suggested cuts.
Popular Punjabi singer Jasbir Jassi has stood up for his home state and strongly condemned Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut for making negative remarks about Punjab and its people. Jassi has warned Kangana that if she does not stop, he will reveal some shocking details about her past. This comes after Kangana compared Punjab and Himachal Pradesh and made controversial comments about drug and alcohol culture in the state. Kangana has yet to respond to Jassi's remarks.
The Aam Aadmi Party has strongly criticized BJP MP Kangana Ranaut for her recent statements about reinstating the black agricultural laws of 2020. Accusing the BJP of deliberately causing social tension and spreading hatred, the party called on Prime Minister Modi to take action against Kangana and clarify his stance on the issue. The party's MP Malvinder Singh Kang expressed concern that PM Modi's own party members are making contradictory statements, causing confusion and disrespect towards the sacrifices of the farmers.
In an interview, Kangana Ranaut revealed her unsuccessful attempts at learning how to drive, admitting that she and Deepika Padukone went to the same driving school. Despite initially giving up after early mishaps, Kangana was motivated to try again after seeing Deepika drive her car at an event. However, her second attempt also ended in disaster as she accidentally slammed her car into a police jeep. Currently, Kangana is busy promoting her upcoming film 'Emergency' where she plays the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Ahead of the release of her film "Emergency," Kangana Ranaut took to social media to share a video of individuals threatening her life. The actress-politician seeks the help of police in Himachal, Maharashtra, and Punjab. The film's release has already sparked controversies, with the SGPC and Akal Takht calling for a ban. "Emergency" is a biographical political drama that focuses on the Indian Emergency and stars Ranaut as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Congress party has criticized BJP's MP Kangana Ranaut for her outrageous and provocative statements against farmers. The party has demanded clarification from the union government on the MP's claims that foreign powers like America and China are instigating the ongoing farmers' protests. The Congress spokesperson also raised the question of the government's inaction against the MP, stating that a mere denial is not enough and concrete action must be taken against her.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has criticized Mandi MP Kangana Ranaut's recent comments on the farmers' agitation, calling them a "grave insult" to farmers across the country. He also accused the BJP of having an anti-farmer ideology, and urged the party to expel Ranaut. The Congress leader highlighted the government's failure to address farmers' issues and the disrespect shown towards them.