The Bharatiya Janata Party has released its first list of candidates for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, including big names such as former MP Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma and MLA Kailash Gahlot. The list also features candidates from different backgrounds, such as former Congress MLA Rajkumar Chauhan and former Delhi University Students Union president Rekha Gupta. With this bold move, the BJP aims to secure a strong position in the upcoming elections.
In a shocking move, former Delhi minister Kailash Gahlot joined the BJP after quitting Aam Aadmi Party, citing "grave challenges" within the party. He accused the party of prioritizing their own political agenda over fulfilling promises made to the people, including the transformation of Yamuna river. He also took a dig at AAP's leader Arvind Kejriwal, referring to controversies like the Sheeshmahal. Gahlot's move has raised doubts on whether the party still stands for the "aam aadmi" or common man.
Senior AAP leader Kailash Gahlot resigned from the party, citing unfulfilled promises and controversies. His resignation was accepted by Delhi Chief Minister Atishi and comes as a major blow for the party ahead of next year's Assembly election. In response, Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva launched a scathing attack on AAP, stating that Gahlot's allegations have validated the BJP's claims of the party's dishonesty and failure to deliver on key commitments. Sachdeva also questioned the handling of funds allocated for cleaning the Yamuna River, a key promise of the AAP government.
In a major setback for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), senior minister Kailash Gahlot has resigned from his position and is expected to join the rival Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The resignation comes just months before the Delhi Assembly polls and Gahlot has cited "grave challenges" within the party as the reason for his decision. He has also taken a dig at AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal, accusing the party of prioritizing political ambitions over fulfilling promises made to the people.
Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva lauds Kailash Gahlot's decision to resign from AAP, citing it as a brave move. However, senior AAP leaders accuse the BJP of pressuring Gahlot into leaving the party through multiple raids and allegations of corruption. AAP spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar alleged that Gahlot's resignation was a result of ED and CBI cases pushed by the BJP ahead of the Delhi assembly polls.
The Delhi Minister for Administrative Reforms, Transport, Home, Women and Child Development, and Information Technology, Kailash Gahlot, resigned from AAP and his cabinet post due to repeated investigations by central probe agencies. AAP MP Sanjay Singh accused BJP of pressuring Gahlot to leave the party and join their ranks. Kejriwal's past controversies including the alleged Rs. 45 crore spent on his residence, named "Sheesh Mahal" by BJP, were also mentioned by Gahlot who questioned if the party still stood for common citizens.
In a fresh tussle with the AAP government, Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has chosen Delhi Home Minister Kailash Gahlot to hoist the national flag on Independence Day, in place of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal who is currently in jail. The L-G's office highlights the "impasse" created by the CM's absence and the need for an elected representative to hold such a significant responsibility. AAP welcomes the decision, while criticizing the "petty politics" involved and questioning the L-G's actions in regards to the CM's authority in the past.