After facing constant criticism and backlash over the nepotism debate, filmmaker Karan Johar made a bold fashion statement with a 'nepo baby' t-shirt. Johar, who has been accused of promoting and launching star kids, defended himself by pointing out that his production house has also launched outsider directors. He also shared that his next directorial venture will be an action film.
Karan Johar is set to surprise fans with an exciting crossover in his upcoming film, Tu Meri Main Tera Main Tera Tu Meri. The director is reportedly considering bringing back stars of his 2013 blockbuster Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani for special appearances in the new rom com. This move is seen as an attempt to tap into the enduring popularity of YJHD among millennials and Gen Z. Directed by Sameer Vidwans, the film is expected to be a vibrant rom com with a fresh storyline and characters.
Karan Johar has addressed rumors about the Dulhania 3 project, stating that there is no official confirmation from Dharma Productions. He expressed concern over media speculation regarding the franchise's continuation or the start of a new one, urging for accuracy in reporting instead. Johar's statement came amidst rumors that Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan may not be part of Dulhania 3, with Janhvi Kapoor possibly replacing Bhatt in the film.
Karan Johar, known for his groundbreaking films, recently shared his experience of becoming a father through surrogacy. In 2017, he welcomed twins, Yash and Roohi, via surrogacy. Karan discussed his decision with his mother, Hiroo Johar, who was supportive despite his initial hesitation. He faced criticism initially but found immense love for his children online.