The first day of the fifth Test match between India and Australia was filled with controversies. From Rohit Sharma missing the match and giving the captaincy to Bumrah, to Virat Kohli's controversial call with the third umpire, it was an eventful day. The third umpire, Joel Wilson, gave a favourable decision to India after the on-field umpire went upstairs to him. This decision was met with mixed reviews from former cricketers. Former Test umpire Simon Taufel explained why the decision was a difficult one to judge, citing the ICC protocol on fair catches.
The fifth Test match between Australia and India at the Sydney Cricket Ground was off to an intense start as the Australian team thought they had caught star batsman Virat Kohli out on the first ball. However, third umpire Joel Wilson gave it not out, causing a stir among former Australian players and coaches. While Justin Langer and Ricky Ponting believe Kohli should have been given out, the decision has divided opinions and sparked a heated debate.
The Green Bay Packers have signed former Central Michigan wide receiver Wilson to a reserve/future contract, giving him a chance to compete for a spot on their 2024 roster. Wilson, who spent time on the Packers' practice squad last season, caught 44 passes for 445 yards and six touchdowns in 2022 for Central Michigan. This move is the latest in the NFL's flurry of offseason activity as teams prepare for the 2024 season.