In 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gifted the First Lady of the United States, Jill Biden, a 7.5-carat diamond valued at USD 20,000. This gift surpassed all other presents received by the Biden family from foreign leaders, and was retained for official use in the White House East Wing. Other notable gifts received by the Bidens included a brooch and photo album from Egyptian leaders, and high-value items like a commemorative album and statue from South Korea and Mongolia respectively.
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden visited Cambridge, MA on Wednesday and announced a $100 million federal investment into women's health research. The funding comes from the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) and is the first major deliverable of the White House's Initiative on Women's Health Research. Biden was joined by political leaders and officials, including U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, who noted that the funding was the result of successful lobbying efforts by the Bay State's Capitol Hill delegation.