Producer Jerry Bruckheimer's statement suggests that the next installment of 'Pirates of the Caribbean' may be a reboot without Johnny Depp's iconic character Captain Jack Sparrow. This comes amidst the strained relationship between Depp and Disney following the actor's legal battles with ex-wife Amber Heard. However, the franchise is still in development with two potential films in the works - one with Margot Robbie in the lead and another in the original franchise penned by Craig Mazin and Ted Elliott.
Fans of the hit franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean" can rejoice as the wait is finally over - the franchise is reportedly getting a reboot. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer, who worked on all five movies, confirmed in an interview that the next installment will be a reboot instead of a direct sequel. With rumors swirling about whether Johnny Depp will return as Captain Jack Sparrow, this update has fans curious about the future of the beloved franchise.