In a ceremony at Dorjee Khandu Convention Hall, BJP leader Pema Khandu was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh for the third time. He was joined by other elected BJP leaders who took oath as Cabinet Ministers. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the G7 leaders summit in Italy, where India will raise issues of global significance like ongoing conflicts and challenges to the global economy and supply chains. What to watchout for today? Andhra Pradesh's Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidy will be signing files related to poll promises and taking charge of his office in Amaravati. In other news, the newly elected BJP government in Odisha fulfills its poll promise of reopening the gates of Shree Jagannath Temple in Puri and Odisha ministers witness the ceremonial event.
Devotees throng Puri as the seaside pilgrim town prepares for the grand opening of the Srimandir Parikrama Prakalpa, also known as the Jagannath Temple heritage corridor project. The entire town is adorned with flowers, lights, and graffiti, creating a stunning atmosphere. The Maha Yagna, which began on Makar Sankranti Day, will conclude on January 17 with Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik dedicating the project to devotees. Vedic scholars chant different Vedas at various gates of the 12th-century Jagannath Temple.