Veteran actor Innocent, known for his comedic roles, shared his experience of battling cancer for the third time and how he deals with it with humor. He also revealed that his wife, who is also a cancer survivor, has tested positive for COVID-19 and is undergoing treatment. The actor and his family remain hopeful for her recovery.
The life and papacy of Pope Innocent XI, previously known as Benedetto Odescalchi, was marked by his deep devotion to piety and his relentless efforts to reduce expenses and fight against nepotism in the Curia. He gained admiration from the people of Ferrara as a "father of the poor", and as pope, he faced challenges from Louis XIV of France on the issue of "Gallican Liberties" and ambassadorial immunities. Despite a long period of ill health, Innocent XI left a lasting legacy of selflessness and service, leading to his eventual beatification in 1956.