After a successful initial public offering, Indian fintech company Mobikwik has announced the allotment status of its shares to investors. The allotment status revealed that the shares are being traded at a premium of Rs 166 in the grey market, indicating a potential 59% premium for the company's shares when they are listed on the stock exchange in three days. Shareholders can check the allotment status on the NSE and registrar's websites to get the latest information about their investment. As demonstrated by the media reports, this is a significant milestone for Mobikwik, and all eyes will be on the stock exchange as investors eagerly await the listing of the company's shares.
Hyundai Motor India Limited's shares debuted on the stock market below their issue price, reflecting a decline of 1.5%. The IPO raised Rs 27,870.16 crores through an offer for sale of 14.22 crore shares, with the final issue price settled at Rs 1,960. Despite high expectations and a pricing range between Rs 1,865 and Rs 1,960 per share, Hyundai's share price fell further by 3% after the initial trading.
Premier Energies, a solar energy company, had a stellar debut on the stock market today with a 120% increase in stock price, doubling investors' money. The company's initial public offering received strong demand, and the stock opened at a price of Rs 990 on NSE, much higher than the issue price of Rs 450. Prominent business news sources had predicted a strong debut for the company, advising investors to apply for long-term gains and hold their positions with a stop loss. Premier Energies' business operations include manufacturing solar products, executing EPC projects, and providing other solar-related services.
Minda Corporation Ltd, a leading player in the auto ancillary industry, has made its debut in the stock market with a successful initial public offering (IPO) launch. The company, with its registered office in New Delhi, has been in operation since 1985 and is led by Chairman Ashok Minda and Company Secretary Pardeep Mann. Investors can access corporate data, historical price and volume data, and stock analysis on this website, sourced from trusted partners BSE and NSE. However, it is advised to seek professional advice before making any investment decisions.
On the first day of trading, the stock for a newly listed company saw a significant increase of 49.39% on the BSE and 49.63% on the NSE. The initial share-sale will be open to the public for three days starting April 23, with anchor investors bidding a day earlier. The company does not have a set timeline for their initial public offering, but the market is seeing a surge in companies filing for IPOs, with 56 companies targeting to raise a total of Rs 70,000 crore.
The highly anticipated initial public offering of Bharti Hexacom Ltd has finally made its debut, with the share price soaring by more than 30% on both the BSE and NSE. This marks the first public issue of the financial year 2024-25 and a successful return for the Bharti group in the IPO market. With a strong opening, it remains to be seen how this new addition to the stock market performs in the long term as per renowned market analyst Anil Singhvi.