A tragic incident in a Naxal stronghold in Chhattisgarh's Sukma district has left a 16-year-old boy dead. The police suspect that the boy, who was still wearing his school uniform at the time of his death, was murdered for being a police informer. This comes in the wake of several other civilian murders in the area due to Naxalite violence. The incident is likely to be a focal point of PM Narendra Modi's upcoming Independence Day speech, where he is expected to address India's progress and challenges under his government.
In an exclusive interview, actor turned producer John Abraham reflects on his decision to step behind the camera, his unorthodox casting choices, and the criticism he faced for taking on such a role. Despite initial skepticism, Abraham flourished in producing and has achieved success with a series of popular films. He also discusses the financial aspects of managing a production in the Bollywood industry, expressing satisfaction and confidence in his new role.
As India celebrates its Independence Day, a recent survey shows that the country's youth are politically aware and keen to effect change through democratic means. With over half of India's population consisting of young people, their aspirations and expectations for the government's third term are at the forefront of national discourse. From casting informed votes to actively working at the grassroots level, the youth are determined to shape the future of their country. This sentiment is shared by Madhuwanti Banerjee, a former professor of sociology, who believes that the youth will never compromise on democracy. This is evident from their participation in various movements and protests for justice and against unjust or undemocratic policies. However, the biggest challenge for the youth is to navigate through the noise of caste and religion-based politics and focus on pressing issues like climate change and environmental conservation.