Following a recent post by a user named "DogeDesigner," which claimed that X had become the #1 news app on Apple's AppStore in India, billionaire Elon Musk confirmed the news. Musk acquired X, formerly known as Twitter, in October of 2022 for $44 billion. According to, India ranks third in the world for the number of Twitter users, with over 25 million users. After the announcement, Musk's followers praised the platform, with users from Australia, Germany, Brazil, and India congratulating X on its achievement. This comes after a mass exodus of users from X to alternative platforms, like Bluesky, after the 2024 United States presidential election.
In a nail-biting semifinal at the Paris 2024 Olympics, India faced a heart-breaking 3-2 defeat against Germany, putting an end to their dreams of winning a gold medal in the men's hockey category. Despite having a strong start with a 1-0 lead, India couldn't hold on as Germany made a comeback and eventually secured their spot in the final against Netherlands. India will now face Spain for a chance to retain their bronze medal from Tokyo. However, they will have to play without key defender Amit Rohidas, who was suspended after receiving a red card in the quarterfinals.
According to the Economic Survey Report for 2023-24, India is lagging behind China and the United States in terms of investments in research and development (R&D). One of the main reasons for this is the low Gross Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD) by the private sector, which is less than 40% of the total GERD. This is significantly lower compared to the private sector investments in both China and the US. However, there has been some improvement in recent years, and India must focus on increasing its investments in R&D to catch up with other major powers.
In a recent publication by China's official newspaper Global Times, India has made it to the top 5 on the world's list of top manufacturing countries. This comes as a significant shift in power as India gradually overtakes China in manufacturing output and establishes itself as a major player in the global market. The post, specifically mentioning India, reflects China's recognition of India's growing impact in the manufacturing sector. With India's manufacturing value added of $456 billion, it is set to become the manufacturing hub of the world.
The United Nations has commented on the recent arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, expressing hope that the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in India will be held in a peaceful and fair atmosphere. UN Secretary-General Stephane Dujarric emphasized the importance of protecting the political and civil rights of all individuals during the election process, stating that this is crucial for a democratic and fair election. The UN's statement comes after similar comments from the United States and Germany, highlighting the international attention on the events leading up to the elections in India.
The United States and Germany have both expressed concern over the arrest and detention of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on corruption charges, just a month before national elections. Both countries have urged the Indian government to ensure a fair and impartial trial for Kejriwal. The move has sparked protests in India, with critics accusing the ruling party of using the arrest as a political tactic to silence opposition leaders.
The latest World Happiness Report has named Finland as the happiest country in the world for the seventh year in a row. India, on the other hand, was ranked 126th out of 143 nations, behind countries like Libya and Iraq. The report also noted that older people tend to have higher life satisfaction in India, while the young are the happiest group. The United States and Germany have dropped out of the top 20 for the first time in the report's history.