In the wake of the Hema Committee report revealing widespread sexual abuse in the Malayalam film industry, a famous actress has sought anticipatory bail from the Kerala High Court. She had made serious allegations against prominent members of the industry, including actors and politicians, and now fears being wrongfully implicated in a non-bailable offence due to false information and targeted attacks. She has filed multiple applications to find out if any cases have been registered against her and has sought protection from the court.
After the Kerala High Court denied actor Siddique's anticipatory bail petition in a rape case, the actor has reportedly been absconding and is planning to appeal to the Supreme Court on Wednesday. The court stated that Siddique's custodial interrogation was necessary for proper investigation, and that there was a possibility of witness intimidation and evidence tampering. The case surfaced in the wake of a new Me Too wave in the Malayalam film industry, triggered by the publication of the Justice Hema Committee report which revealed widespread sexual harassment.
The Malayalam film industry is experiencing a major upheaval in the aftermath of the Hema Committee report, which has exposed the rampant misogyny and exploitation in the industry. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has urged India to host a peace summit amidst increasing tensions with Russia. The Democratic National Convention also saw a powerful speech by Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris.
Malayalam superstar Nivin Pauly has been accused of sexually abusing a woman in Dubai, along with five other individuals including a producer. However, the 'Premam' actor has vehemently denied the allegations and is ready to take legal action to prove his innocence. This controversy has emerged after the release of the Hema Committee report implicating other prominent actors in similar cases. Nivin has expressed his determination to cooperate with the investigation and prove the allegations to be baseless.
The Malayalam film industry is once again under fire as popular actor Nivin Pauly faces allegations of sexual assault. The complaint, filed by a woman from Neriamangalam, echoes the growing number of accusations following the release of the Justice Hema Committee report on systemic abuse. As the industry faces increased scrutiny, we also look at the case of Malayalam actor Siddique, who stepped down as General Secretary of AMMA after similar allegations were made against him.
Actor Nivin Pauly, known for his roles in the Malayalam film industry, has been accused of sexually abusing a young aspiring actress. The Kerala Police has registered a non-bailable case against Pauly and five others, including a film producer. This incident adds to the ongoing investigations and allegations against several other actors in the industry. The National Commission for Women has also expressed concerns over the incomplete Hema Committee Report and has requested for its complete release.
The release of the Hema committee report has exposed troubling behavior by key figures in the Malayalam film industry, leading to significant resignations within the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA). The most prominent resignation came from Complete Actor Mohanlal, who stepped down as President of AMMA after mounting pressure for him to address the ongoing issues of sexual harassment and assault within the industry. As the industry faces this critical moment, the resignation of Mohanlal and others marks a significant step in addressing these deeply concerning issues.
Popular Malayalam actress Minu Muneer has filed a complaint against seven individuals, including well-known actors Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Edavela Babu. The complaint was submitted to the special investigation team, amid the ongoing probe into the Hema Committee report. The team will now record Minu's statement in the coming days, as the case is registered at the Crime Branch headquarters. This development comes after Minu recently spoke out about her experiences and the actors and others named in the complaint.
Amid the growing #MeToo movement in the Malayalam film industry, actor Siddique has filed a complaint against actress Revathi Sampath, who accused him of sexual assault. The actor has denied the allegations and claims that there is an ulterior motive behind the accusations. This incident adds to the increasing calls for action against the guilty as the Justice Hema Committee report on sexual harassment in the industry is released.
Senior Malayalam actor Siddique is facing serious sexual assault allegations from junior artist Revathy Sampath and has resigned from his post as the general secretary of AMMA. The association is scheduled to hold an executive meeting to address the matter, with all eyes on their stance on the allegations. Other actors and committee members have also demanded action against Siddique, with many citing it as a necessary step in light of the recent Hema Committee report that revealed widespread crimes against women in the Malayalam film industry.