Power Star Pawan Kalyan's highly anticipated film "Hari Hara Veera Mallu" has faced several delays due to his political commitments, causing the original director Krish to walk out. The project has now been taken over by Jyothi Krishna, with star writer Sai Madhav Burra revealing that he and Krish had left the project long ago. Despite these setbacks, the film promises a unique and captivating storyline, with stars like Bobby Deol, Nidhi Agerwal, Nora Fatehi, Nargis Fakhri, and Jishu Sen Gupta in important roles.
The highly anticipated Pan-India film "Harihara Veeramallu" starring Pawan Kalyan and Nidhi Aggarwal has announced a delay in the release of its first single, leaving fans disappointed. However, rumors of a possible December release have sparked renewed excitement for the film's musical debut. With a captivating soundtrack composed by Keeravani, the film is inching closer to its grand release under the production of AM Ratnam. Stay tuned for an official announcement soon to confirm the release and give fans a taste of the musical magic of "Harihara Veeramallu."
Fans of Power Star Pawan Kalyan are eagerly anticipating the release of his first ever period entertainer, "Hari Hara Veera Mallu," directed by Jyothi Krishna. The film, set to release in two parts, has recently shared a behind-the-scenes photo of Pawan Kalyan discussing a scene with the director, raising hopes for the film's nearing completion. With big names like Bobby Deol, Nidhi Agerwal, Nora Fatehi, Nargis Fakhri, and Jishu Sen Gupta also a part of the cast, this film is expected to be a grand and highly awaited project in the entertainment industry.
Pawan Kalyan recently shared a stunning picture from the sets of his long-delayed project, "Hari Hara Veera Mallu," much to the delight of his fans. The period action drama marks his first PAN Indian film, and he has now surprised everyone by posting about it on his Instagram account. The shoot is currently underway in Vijayawada, and with over 3 lakh likes on his picture, it's clear that the actor's fans are eagerly awaiting its release.