In the midst of a challenging time, Hindus around the world gather to celebrate Hanuman Jayanti, the birth of Lord Hanuman. This auspicious occasion brings together communities to spread joy and commemorate the triumph of good over evil. With the use of social media, people can come together to spread wishes, messages, and inspiring quotes, promoting a sense of unity and harmony. Not just a celebration, Hanuman Jayanti is a time for reflection on Lord Hanuman's virtues and drawing inspiration from his devotion to Lord Rama.
Hanuman Jayanti is a significant festival celebrated all over India to mark the birth of Lord Hanuman, who is a beloved deity and a symbol of devotion and strength. Lord Hanuman is respected for his selflessness, courage, and devotion to Lord Rama. The day is widely celebrated with devotion, fasting, meditation, and charity. News24 brings you the latest updates and breaking news from India and around the world, so stay tuned.
Hanuman Jayanti, one of the most significant festivals in Hinduism, is celebrated with great fervor every year. This sacred occasion marks the birth of Lord Hanuman, a revered figure known for his devotion to Lord Rama. On this auspicious day, devotees observe rituals and pujas and seek blessings for courage, prosperity, and success. Hanuman Jayanti will be celebrated on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, and the auspicious timings have been listed for the convenience of devotees.