A protest was held in Himachal Pradesh's Hamirpur district against the planned shutdown of a charitable hospital managed by Radha Soami Satsang Beas in Bhota. The hospital, which has been operating since 2000 and serves over 100,000 people, is facing closure due to unresolved land transfer issues. Despite claims by the hospital administrator that the closure notice was issued by the sect's management, the state government has yet to guarantee the hospital will continue to operate. This move has caused concern among residents who rely on the free healthcare services provided by the hospital.
Ashish Sharma of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged as the winner of the Hamirpur Assembly bypoll in Himachal Pradesh, defeating Congress' Dr Pushpinder Verma by a margin of 1,571 votes. The bypoll was held due to Ashish Sharma's resignation as an independent candidate and joining the BJP. In the 2022 Assembly election, there were a total of nine candidates, while in the 2024 bypoll there were only three candidates vying for the Hamirpur seat.
The recently held by-polls in Dehra, Nalagarh, and Hamirpur saw a high voter turnout of 71 percent, with Congress candidate Kamlesh Thakur winning the Dehra constituency. The Congress was also leading in Nalagarh, while BJP secured the Hamirpur seat. Nalagarh witnessed the highest voter turnout at 79 percent, followed by Hamirpur at 67.72 percent and Dehra at 65.42 percent.
Results for the Himachal Pradesh Assembly by-elections are in, and Congress' candidates are in the lead in all three constituencies. Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu's wife, Kamlesh Thakur, has a strong lead of 1,815 votes in the Dehra seat, while Pushpinder Verma is ahead by 1,707 votes in Hamirpur and Hardeep Singh Bawa is leading by 1,571 votes in Nalagarh. These results could spell a victory for the Congress party, with a strong show of support in the state.
The 2024 Lok Sabha Election results for the Hamirpur constituency in Himachal Pradesh have been declared, with BJP candidate Anurag Singh Thakur emerging as the winner. The seat, which was previously won by Thakur in both the 2019 and 2014 General Elections, was highly contested between BJP and Congress. All eyes were on this important constituency as it is one of the four Lok Sabha seats in Himachal Pradesh, with BJP aiming for a clean sweep once again. Stay tuned for more updates on the ongoing Lok Sabha Election Result 2024.