Despite high expectations, the highly anticipated Bollywood film Hadh Kar Di Aapne received only an average response at the box office. The film, starring top actors Govinda and Rani Mukherjee, collected a total of ₹16.83 crore worldwide with a nett collection of ₹11.31 crore in India and ₹1.12 crore overseas. Despite its star power, it seems that the film failed to leave a lasting impression on audiences.
Despite having a star-studded cast, the movie Hadh Kar Di Aapne only managed to collect ₹16.83 cr. at the worldwide box office. In India, it collected ₹11.31 cr. Nett (₹15.71 cr. Gross) and in overseas, it grossed ₹1.12 cr. Fans of the movie may be surprised by its underwhelming performance at the box office.