Mahesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas' blockbuster collaboration film Guntur Kaaram is set to have its World Television Premiere on April 9 on Gemini TV, as reports suggest. The film, which released on Netflix on February 9 after a successful theatrical run, has received a massive viewership on the OTT platform and is expected to garner high TRP ratings on television too. Along with this, rumours of Mahesh Babu's next project with SS Rajamouli have been making rounds, with the director stating it to be a globetrotting action adventure film. Fans are eagerly waiting for this exciting collaboration.
Netflix has announced that the highly anticipated film 'Guntur Kaaram', directed by Trivikram Srinivas and starring Mahesh Babu and Sreeleela, will be released on their platform in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. The film, which has already seen theatrical success, follows the story of Ramana, played by Mahesh Babu, as he uncovers the truth about his estranged mother.
Shah Rukh Khan took to his social media platforms to express excitement for Mahesh Babu's latest film, "Guntur Kaaram," praising its action, emotion, and mass appeal.
Despite a limited release in the US, superhero film HanuMan has surprised trade circles by outperforming big-budget entertainer Guntur Kaaram at the box office. HanuMan grossed an impressive $500K on Friday, while Guntur Kaaram struggled with a $350K gross. The success of HanuMan is likely due to its positive word of mouth, as the film has received praise for its compelling storyline and strong performances. With its strong start, HanuMan is poised to continue performing well at the box office in the coming weeks.
The highly anticipated release of Mahesh Babu's Guntur Kaaram brought in strong numbers on its first day of release, with a majority of the collection coming from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Meanwhile, Teja Sajja's HanuMan also hit the box office with a pan-India release, bringing in a decent opening day collection and hoping for a weekend boost from positive reviews. With competition from other big releases, it will be interesting to see how these films perform over the lucrative Makar Sankranti weekend.
The highly anticipated film "Guntur Kaaram" starring Mahesh Babu is set to release tomorrow, creating a frenzy among fans. The movie has witnessed strong advance bookings, leading to a ticket price increase in Andhra Pradesh and Nizam. With expectations of a Rs 40 Cr share in Telugu States and $1.5 Million from the USA premieres, "Guntur Kaaram" is poised to make a big splash at the box office.
Telugu star Mahesh Babu got emotional at the pre-release event of his upcoming film Guntur Kaaram, which marks his reunion with director Trivikram Srinivas after hits like Athadu and Khaleja. Babu said, "This year seems different to me as my dad is not here with us. He used to call me and talk about my film's box office collection every time. I'd feel extremely happy hearing that. I would always wait for that phone call. Now, you have to do that for me. From now on, you all are my mother, father, and everything. I need your blessings."
The Home Department of Telangana has authorized ticket price hikes for the film, with single screens now priced at Rs. 240 (regular price: Rs. 175) and multiplexes at Rs. 395 (regular price: Rs. 295).