The second season of the popular comedy show, The Great Indian Kapil Show on Netflix, recently began with renowned guests like Alia Bhatt and Karan Johar. In the latest episode, renowned businessmen and philanthropists Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy, along with Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal and his wife Grecia Munoz, shared their entertaining stories and advice on relationships. Sudha Murthy revealed that on their first meeting, Narayan Murthy was two hours late to impress her father.
Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal has tied the knot with Mexican entrepreneur Grecia Munoz, as revealed by sources. Although there has been no official announcement, Munoz's Instagram bio has sparked speculation about the marriage. Munoz has started settling into her new life in India, as evident from her posts on social media. Despite facing backlash in the recent past, Goyal remains determined in managing both personal and professional challenges.
In a surprising turn of events, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal has recently married Mexican-born entrepreneur Grecia Munoz. The two had a private wedding over a month ago and have just returned from their honeymoon. Goyal was previously married to Kanchan Joshi, whom he met during his time at IIT-Delhi. Munoz, on the other hand, is focused on building her own luxury consumer product. Stay tuned for more updates on this high-profile wedding and other news from the entertainment world on TellyChakkar.
Zomato CEO, Deepinder Goyal, surprised everyone with the news of his recent marriage to Mexican entrepreneur Grecia Munoz. Goyal and Munoz had a private wedding ceremony a month ago and recently returned from their honeymoon in February. This is Goyal's second marriage as he previously tied the knot with Kanchan Joshi, whom he met while studying at IIT-Delhi. Munoz, who is now building her own startup, also shared glimpses from her visit to Delhi on social media.