Union Home Minister Amit Shah and PM Narendra Modi hosted a special screening of 'The Sabarmati Report', a film based on the Godhra train burning incident, for NDA MPs. The political leaders shared their thoughts on the film and congratulated the cast and crew for their commendable effort. The screening was attended by prominent politicians and even included the presence of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut. Coinciding with the screening, actor Vikrant Massey also announced his retirement from films, thanking his fans for their support throughout the years.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi showed his support for the Hindi film industry by attending a special screening of the Vikrant Massey starrer 'The Sabarmati Report' along with several ministers and MPs. The film tackles sensitive topics such as the Godhra riots and corruption in the media, earning high praise from PM Modi and other viewers. This comes after PM Modi had previously commended the film's message and relevance in society.
PM Modi is set to watch a special screening of Vikrant Massey-starrer 'The Sabarmati Report' which exposes the truth behind the Godhra train burning incident in Gujarat. The film has been praised by BJP leaders and made tax-free in several BJP-ruled states. The film's star, Vikrant Massey, plays a brave journalist who uncovers the grim reality of the tragedy.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to watch the film 'The Sabarmati Report' on Monday, after lauding it for "revealing the truth" behind the Godhra train tragedy. The film has also been declared tax-free in many BJP-ruled states in a move to promote its portrayal of the "reality" of the incident. After watching the film, Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath congratulated the filmmakers and praised the film for exposing certain individuals and their malicious narratives. Starring Vikrant Massey, the film depicts a Hindi journalist who stands up to the system for covering the truth in his reportage.
Odisha has announced that the Hindi film 'The Sabarmati Report', based on the Godhra train burning incident, will be tax-free in the state. The film, directed by Dheeraj Sarna and produced by Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa R Kapoor, Amul V Mohan and Anshul Mohan, features Raashii Khanna and Ridhi Dogra and sheds light on the truth of the past incident. This move by the state government will help bring the film's significant chapter in history to more people.
Vikrant Massey, Riddhi Dogra, and Raashi Khanna deliver powerful performances in this investigative drama that delves into the complex truths behind the 2002 Godhra incident. Director Dheeraj Sarna expertly navigates the film's tightly bound two-hour runtime, keeping viewers engaged with a focused pace. However, a lack of emotional resonance slightly hinders the overall impact of the film. Producer Ekta Kapoor's bold choice to bring this story to the screen showcases her versatility and willingness to explore diverse stories.
The production company, Balaji Motion Pictures, released the teaser of "The Sabarmati Report" starring Vikrant Massey and Raashii Khanna. The teaser, released 22 years after the Sabarmati Express incident, pays homage to the 59 innocent lives lost in the tragic event. The teaser also gives a glimpse into the plot, showcasing Vikrant as a journalist reporting on the incident while also hinting at a larger conspiracy.
The upcoming film 'The Sabarmati Report' tells the heart-wrenching story of the 2002 Godhra train burning incident in Gujarat, which took the lives of 59 innocent people. The film, starring Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra, is set to release on May 3, 2024. The first look video shows Vikrant as a journalist uncovering the truth behind the incident with original clips and a powerful message. Helmed by director Ranjan Chandel and produced by Balaji Motion Pictures, this promises to be a gripping and emotional film.
As the finale week of Kangana Ranaut's show Lock Upp begins, popular contestants such as Prince Narula, Munawar Faruqui, and others gear up for the ultimate challenge. The stakes are high and the excitement is rising as the viewers anticipate who will take home the title. In other Lock Upp news, the contestants' salaries have been revealed, with some surprising revelations.