Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav extended his greetings as the state achieved a Guinness World Record for recitation of the holy Gita's 'Karma Yog' by over 5,000 Acharyas. The CM also transferred funds to 1.28 crore Ladli Behans and 55 lakh beneficiaries under the Social Security Pension Scheme, and announced the start of the 'Jankalyan Parv' and outreach event where officials will promote the state's welfare schemes. Gita Jayanti commemorates the origin of the scripture 5,000 years ago.
The state government of Madhya Pradesh has made it to the Guinness World Records for organizing a massive recitation of the sacred text, Gita, with over 7,200 'acharyas' and 'vatuks' participating. The event, held on the occasion of Gita Jayanti, saw the collective recitation of the third chapter 'Karma Yoga' at two different locations - Bhopal and Ujjain. Chief Minister Mohan Yadav expressed his pride in the achievement and stated that the event aimed to connect people with their eternal culture. Various events and exhibitions were also organized to mark the International Gita Mahotsav.
The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Mohan Yadav, has announced a unique holy effort to set a Guinness World Record for Gita recitation on the auspicious occasion of Gita Jayanti. Thousands of Acharyas will come together to recite the third chapter of Gita, "Karma Yoga," and the event will also feature a Srimad Bhagwat Purana and Gau and Gopal picture exhibition, as well as a performance by the Sadho Band Mumbai. This initiative aims to spread the teachings of Lord Krishna and connect people to the Sanatan culture in Madhya Pradesh.
Chief Minister Mohan Yadav of Madhya Pradesh announced that the state will create history on Wednesday, the Gita Jayanti, by having over 5000 devotees recite the Bhagavad Gita in Bhopal and Ujjain. The event will also mark the inclusion of the holy text in the state's academic curriculum. Yadav further revealed plans for the development of pilgrimage sites in the state, including a museum to showcase Lord Krishna's stay in Madhya Pradesh. The chief minister also extended an invitation to all sant and sadhus for the upcoming Ujjain Simhastha and guaranteed the provision of permanent spaces for ashrams and akadas.