After being released from prison for 21 days to campaign in the Lok Sabha polls, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will now surrender himself at Tihar Jail later today upon the order of the honorable Supreme Court. Before turning himself in, Kejriwal will first pay homage at the Mahatma Gandhi memorial and seek blessings from Hanuman ji at the Connaught Place temple. He also plans to meet with workers and party leaders at the party office before heading to Tihar Jail.
In a recent interview, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that Mahatma Gandhi was not widely known across the world until the film 'Gandhi' was made. This statement has sparked outrage among Congress leaders who argue that Gandhi was an inspiration to the entire world and his principles of truth and non-violence have influenced great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Nelson Mandela. Modi's remarks have reignited the debate on the importance of spreading awareness about Gandhi's legacy globally.