After heavy rains lashed the regions of Delhi-NCR, an under-construction house collapsed in Dadri, leaving three children dead and five others injured. The incident occurred in Khodna Kalan village in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, as eight children were trapped under the debris. In another natural disaster, an earthquake of magnitude 4.5 hit the Andaman Sea on Friday night, with the epicentre at a depth of 10 km. Meanwhile, in Jammu and Kashmir, a large number of pilgrims began their journey to the holy Amarnath cave.
Residents of Peru were sent into panic mode after a major 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast, prompting a tsunami warning. The United States Geological Society reported the quake as a major one while local media stated that the Navy of Peru had issued a tsunami warning. Although the US Tsunami Warning System has stated that the threat has now passed, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation has urged residents to remain cautious and to follow safety protocols.
An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 struck Indonesia's West Java province, with its epicentre located southwest of Garut regency. The tremors were felt in nearby Jakarta, Banten, Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java. Although the tremors reached a strong intensity in some areas, there was no potential for triggering giant waves, according to the country's meteorology, climatology and geophysics agency. Indonesia, which is situated on the "Pacific Ring of Fire," is no stranger to earthquakes and other natural disasters.