A 5.3 magnitude earthquake shook parts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday morning, causing panic and fear amongst residents. The tremors were felt in an area of 225 km around the epicentre, with districts along the Godavari River experiencing higher intensity. While there were no reports of loss of life or property, people in areas like Hyderabad and Vijayawada felt the tremors and recorded footage of household items shaking. The National Centre for Seismology reported Mulugu in Telangana as the epicentre, and scientists at CSIR-NGRI are monitoring the situation.
On Wednesday morning, Telangana experienced its second earthquake of over 5 magnitude in the last 55 years. The National Center for Seismology reported a 5.3 magnitude earthquake with Medaram as the epicentre. Scientists suggest that both earthquakes are linked to the Godavari rift valley and the region may experience aftershocks in the coming hours. However, with Telangana falling under low-intensity seismic zone, there is no need for panic.
Parts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh were hit by an earthquake of 5.3 magnitude on the Richter Scale, with the epicenter located in Mulugu, Telangana. The tremors were felt in an area of 225 km around the epicenter, with high intensity in districts along the Godavari River. CCTV footage of household items shaking and falling due to the tremors spread on social media, causing panic among residents. There were no reports of any loss of life or property, but people took precautionary measures and ran out of their homes. The earthquake was also felt in neighboring districts and cities like Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.