In an effort to create a drug-free society, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has launched the 'Nasha Mukta Navi Mumbai' campaign. He emphasized the role of society in fighting against the menace of drugs and urged the youth to stand against it as an act of patriotism. Fadnavis also inaugurated the renovated Dr Bhau Daji Lad Museum, stating that it serves as a reminder of our historical heritage and the changes that have shaped our present.
The ongoing drug problem in Fiji has reached critical levels, prompting Reverend Simione Tugi to rally pastors to use their pulpits as a platform for addressing the issue. With the support of Drug Free World (Fiji), the Fiji Council of Churches is working towards educating communities about the dangers of drug use. Rev Tugi emphasizes the crucial role that religious leaders must play in combating the darkness brought by hard drugs and encourages them to speak out against drug usage during their sermons.
The District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) in Garhwa has launched a drug-free campaign in the city, specifically targeting children under 18 years old. DLSA officials, along with the Station Superintendent, are working towards spreading awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and providing assistance for treatment and de-addiction. Citizens are encouraged to report any instances of drug abuse or trafficking to the DLSA for legal assistance. The campaign has received widespread support from the public and local officials.