The highly anticipated film, Amar Singh Chamkila, written and directed by Imtiaz Ali, unveiled its trailer on March 28. The event was attended by the star-studded cast, including Diljit Dosanjh, Parineeti Chopra, and Imtiaz Ali, along with music composer AR Rahman and singer Kailash Kher. The audience was in for a treat as the singers performed live and Diljit and Parineeti gave a duet performance. This film, set to stream on Netflix from April 12, will feature Diljit as legendary singer Amar Singh Chamkila and Parineeti as his wife, Amarjot Kaur.
After much anticipation, Netflix finally dropped the trailer for its highly-anticipated musical biopic, 'Amar Singh Chamkila', written and directed by Imtiaz Ali. The star-studded event saw the film's lead stars, Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra, perform an unreleased song from the film, with music director AR Rahman also in attendance. The crowd was left in awe of their vocal talents, making it a successful and memorable trailer launch event.
Netflix releases the trailer for the much-awaited musical drama, Amar Singh Chamkila, directed by Imtiaz Ali and starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra. The film chronicles the life of Chamkila, the highest record-selling artist of his time, who rose from poverty to fame in the 80s through his rebellious music. With AR Rahman composing the music and Diljit and Parineeti lending their voices, the film promises to be a celebration of Chamkila's life and his love for music.