In a thrilling finale, Karnataka emerged victorious in the Vijay Hazare Trophy 2024-25, defeating Vidarbha by 36 runs. Dhruv Shorey's brilliant century went in vain as Karnataka's Smaran Ravichandran and K Shrijith drove the team to a massive total of 348. Despite a valiant effort from Harsh Dubey, Vidarbha failed to keep up with the required rate and eventually fell short. This win marks Karnataka's third Vijay Hazare Trophy title.
In an exciting final match of the Vijay Hazare Trophy, Karnataka's young brigade, led by R. Smaran, demonstrated their potential and determination by defeating Vidarbha by 36 runs. Despite Vidarbha's strong batting with a third century by Dhruv Shorey and an impressive finish by Harsh Dubey, Karnataka's resolve to invest in their young players paid off as they claimed their record-equalling fifth title, tying with Tamil Nadu.