In the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party has emerged victorious in all five seats in Uttarakhand, thanks to Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami's efficient election strategy and management. This clean sweep victory was made possible by the hard work of party workers and the strong support of the people, who have shown their trust in the BJP. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's affection for Uttarakhand and Devbhoomi has been a key factor in this historic win, with over two lakh crores worth of schemes being approved for the state.
The members of Uttarakhand State Aandolankari Manch recently met Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and submitted a memorandum regarding various issues faced by the state. The CM assured necessary action on the memorandum and directed officers to resolve problems quickly. He also instructed all district magistrates to hold regular grievance hearings and meet with the public for one hour every working day. This move is expected to address issues such as health, road, drinking water, financial assistance, electricity, and land-related matters, among others, providing relief to the people of Uttarakhand.
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami made a visit to Kedarnath Dham in the early hours of the day to seek blessings as the temple reopens for pilgrimages today. This is Dhami's first visit to the holy shrine after taking over as the chief minister of the state. Stay updated with ABP News for all the latest updates on this significant event.
After clashes erupted between locals and police during the demolition of a madrasa in Haldwani, Uttarakhand, a curfew was enforced and shoot-at-sight orders were issued. The situation escalated as residents resisted the demolition, resulting in injuries and damage to property. The Chief Minister has convened an emergency meeting and declared a curfew and school closures in the area. He has also condemned the actions of those involved in the violent confrontations and promised strict action.
The Uttarakhand Assembly has passed the Uniform Civil Code Bill, making it the first state in India to do so. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami addressed the media, stating that the law is of equality, uniformity and equal rights and will protect the rights of women. Once the Bill receives the governor's consent, Uttarakhand will have a common law on marriage, divorce, land, property and inheritance for all citizens, regardless of religion. The passage of this bill is seen as a fulfillment of a commitment made by the ruling party during the 2022 assembly polls.