Priyanka Gandhi, along with her family members and senior Congress leaders, filed her nomination papers in Kalpetta for the upcoming elections. She expressed her gratitude towards the people of Wayanad, where she is contesting from, and stated that she has been involved in political campaigns since a young age. In a public gathering, she also criticized the BJP government for spreading divisiveness and appealed for the protection of her sister, whom she considers as her family, if elected.
Priyanka Gandhi, accompanied by senior Congress leaders and family members, filed her nomination papers for the Wayanad by-election. In her public address, she promised to fight for the rights of the people and referenced her past campaign experiences. Her brother Rahul Gandhi also showed his support, stating that if elected, Wayanad will have two representatives in Parliament.
Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra made a surprise visit to a local family in the Wayanad district of Kerala, where she will be filing her nomination for the bypoll in the Lok Sabha constituency. Her visit was greeted warmly by the locals and the mother of the house gifted her a rosary as a symbol of love and blessings. Priyanka's brother, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi, also expressed his confidence in her as she prepares to become the voice of Wayanad in Parliament.