BJP state president Uday Kumar Shetty, during a press meet, demanded the resignation of Karnataka minister Priyank Kharge and a CBI investigation into the Sachin Panchal suicide case. Shetty also urged the government to provide compensation and a job for one of Sachin’s sisters. He criticized the state government for misgovernance and highlighted previous cases of ministerial resignations. He also lauded BJP leaders for taking action and showing support for the victim's family.
The CBI court in Kasargod delivered a verdict on Saturday in the Periya double murder case, finding 14 out of 24 accused guilty in the 2019 killings of Youth Congress workers Sarathlal and Kripesh. The mothers of both victims expressed their dissatisfaction with the verdict and demanded harsh punishment for all the accused. The convicted include seven members of the ruling CPM-led LDF government in Kerala, leading to a setback for the government. The case was initially handled by the local police, followed by the Crime Branch, and eventually handed over to the CBI after intervention from the High Court.
On the fourth anniversary of actor Sushant Singh Rajput's death, his sister Shweta Singh Kirti shared an unseen video of him with his sisters and penned a heartfelt note asking for justice. She also expressed her frustration with the lack of answers and closure regarding his death and urged everyone to come together to find the truth. Shweta questioned if her brother deserved such injustice and pleaded for the case to be resolved.