After deciding to vacate the Budgam Assembly seat, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has officially announced that he will be representing the Ganderbal constituency. He expressed his gratitude towards the people of Budgam and promised to continue working for them over the next five years. This move marks the end of the six-year period when J&K didn't have an Assembly and the NC, with support from other parties, will continue to hold the majority in the 95-member Assembly.
On the eve of the second phase of Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections, polling officials can be seen leaving for their respective polling stations. This phase will see the fate of many prominent political faces being sealed, including former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and NC vice-president, who will face a tough challenge from 16 and 7 contestants respectively in Ganderbal and Budgam constituencies. Other key candidates to watch out for are JKAP founder Altaf Bukhari, contesting for the first time from Chanapora, and PCC president Tariq Hameed Karra, fighting against 12 candidates in Central Shaltengh. Meanwhile, 17-year-old Sugra Barkati, daughter of jailed contestant Sarjan Ahmad Wagay, has managed to garner significant support in Shopian's Beerwah constituency.
The fourth phase of general elections saw a record turnout in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, with 36.58% of eligible voters casting their ballots. This is the first election in the valley since the abrogation of Article 370 and the enactment of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019. Despite heavy security, enthusiastic voters of Srinagar, Budgam, Ganderbal, Pulwama, and Shopian showed up in large numbers to exercise their democratic right. The Election Commission has also made provisions for Kashmiri migrant voters to participate in the elections, further ensuring fair and inducement-free voting.
The Jammu and Kashmir Police have apprehended four suspects, including two residents of Budgam, for their alleged involvement in a human trafficking racket. The operation was uncovered after a non-local woman was found wandering in the area and disclosed that she had been brought to Kashmir deceitfully and sold for marriage. The police have launched an investigation and registered a case in response to the troubling revelation.
In a commitment to provide better healthcare facilities, the Deputy Commissioner of Budgam, Akshay Labroo, inaugurated the 6th Health & Wellness Centre, Kralpora. This new health facility will cater to the general public and has been completed in a record time under the direction of the Hon'ble LG Administration. The DC also inspected various wards and facilities during the inauguration.