Nishant Agarwal, a former junior scientist at BrahMos Aerospace Pvt Ltd, has been sentenced to life imprisonment by a court in Nagpur for leaking technical information about the BrahMos missile to the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). The 6-year-long investigation led to his arrest in 2018 by the Anti-Terrorism Squad of Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra. Agarwal was found guilty of violating the Official Secrets Act and leaking information from the Defence Research and Development Organisation. His interactions with the ISI were monitored by the UP police, leading to his arrest and subsequent conviction.
A former engineer at BrahMos Aerospace Pvt Ltd in Nagpur has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Nagpur district court for spying for Pakistan's intelligence agency, ISI. Nishant Agarwal was arrested in 2018 after a joint operation by military intelligence and Anti-terrorism squads. He was found guilty under the Official Secrets Act and will also have to undergo 14 years of rigorous imprisonment and pay a fine of Rs 3,000.
India has delivered the BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles to the Philippines in a $375-million deal. This marks India's first major export order and is seen as a strategic move amid increasing tensions with China in the South China Sea. The missile, which has a range of 290 km and has been operationalized in all three wings of the Indian armed forces, is expected to be exported to at least 10 countries, including South Africa and Saudi Arabia. Efforts are also underway to upgrade the range and capabilities of the missiles.