Senior Delhi Police officers announced that around 100 schools in Delhi and the National Capital Region received bomb threat emails early Wednesday morning. Investigations revealed that the sender used a Russian IP address and the role of an organization behind the threats is being probed. The Home Ministry and Delhi Police urge citizens not to panic as central agencies and local authorities take precautionary measures. Meanwhile, a Delhi court has allowed the Enforcement Directorate to interrogate suspects related to a drug-related money laundering case.
Delhi schools were thrown into panic when they received an influx of bomb threat emails on Wednesday. In response, Delhi LG VK Saxena reassured the public that the culprits will be punished and the police are actively investigating the source of the emails. This led to increased security measures at various locations in the city, including metro and railway stations, bus stands, and markets. The Delhi LG personally visited one of the schools that received the threat and expressed confidence in the preparedness of the Delhi Police.