In a unique and unexpected turn of events in Maharashtra's Dharashiv district, three young girls were reported missing after allegedly being kidnapped. However, the truth soon came to light when the girls were found safe and revealed that they had faked their own kidnapping to fund a trip to South Korea to meet their favorite K-pop band BTS. This incident sheds light on the immense popularity of the group and their dedicated fanbase "ARMY."
After serving his mandatory military duty for 20 months, BTS member Jin has been officially discharged. His fellow bandmates welcomed him back with open arms and celebrated with him through a video call, documenting the emotional and heartwarming moment for fans. This also marked the official reunion of all seven members since their last performance in October 2018. Fans of the global supergroup BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, can finally see them back together and eagerly anticipate their future musical endeavors.
The leader of the globally sensational K-pop group, BTS, recently had a heart-to-heart with bandmate Jimin about the challenges of being the group's leader. In the discussion, RM opened up about the tremendous pressure and expectations he has faced throughout the years. He also shared his responsibilities as the group's spokesperson and the struggles he has faced in representing BTS. The frank and honest conversation gives fans a glimpse into the real struggles faced by the leader of one of the biggest bands in the world.
BTS member J-Hope, who is currently serving in the South Korean military, shared pictures from his outing on his Instagram stories to celebrate his upcoming 30th birthday. The images featured posters of the rapper with the caption "Happy J-Hope Day" and a glimpse of J-Hope himself standing next to a glass window with his poster. BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, has a massive fanbase called 'ARMY' and has been active since 2010.