As the popular reality show Bigg Boss 18 nears its finale, former contestant Edin Rose shares her predictions for the top 5 contestants who could win the trophy. She names Rajat, Karan, Vivian, Chaahat, and Kashish as her top picks for the finale. Although Edin herself was eliminated in a double eviction a few weeks ago, she is rooting for her friend Rajat or Kashish to win the show. She also expresses her gratitude for the opportunity the show has provided her in terms of career growth.
In an exciting Group E final round match of the Vijay Hazare Trophy, Madhya Pradesh captain Rajat Patidar displayed his prowess with an unbeaten 132 to lead his team to a six-wicket win against Bengal. Despite the loss, Bengal and group-leader Baroda qualified for the knockout phase with 18 and 20 points respectively.