The Karnataka government has sent a proposal to the Governor to reconsider the prosecution of former Chief Minister and senior BJP leader B.S. Yediyurappa in the Bengaluru Development Authority case. This move is likely to spark a controversy as the Chief Minister and his ministers are already in a confrontational mode following the Governor's consent for prosecution in a different case. The complaint against Yediyurappa was filed by social activist T.J. Abraham, who also happens to be one of the petitioners seeking prosecution against CM Siddaramaiah.
The Karnataka government has sent a proposal to the Governor to reconsider the prosecution of former Chief Minister and BJP leader B.S. Yediyurappa in the Bengaluru Development Authority case, causing controversy. Social activist T.J. Abraham, who also petitioned against current CM Siddaramaiah in another case, filed the initial complaint against Yediyurappa and his family for alleged corruption. Despite this, the Governor rejected the request for prosecution, though the complaint contains serious allegations against Yediyurappa and his family members.