The first day of India's most prestigious motor show, the Auto Expo 2025, saw major car manufacturers like BMW, Hyundai, Isuzu, and Kia introduce and showcase their latest electric models. BMW launched its first locally assembled electric vehicle, Hyundai revealed prices for its mass-market EV, Isuzu displayed an electric version of its pickup truck, and Kia debuted its facelifted EV6 with autonomous features and an impressive 650km range. The event is a reflection of the growing shift towards electric vehicles in the Indian market.
The Indian auto industry witnessed a significant event with the inauguration of the Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The first day of the expo saw the unveiling of several new car models from both Indian and international brands, including the Maruti e Vitara, Toyota Urban Cruiser BEV concept, Hyundai Creta Electric, and Tata Sierra EV, Bandipur, and Stealth Editions. These models come with advanced features and impressive ranges, aiming to capture the growing demand for electric vehicles in the Indian market.