The Delhi High Court has stayed the trial court's order to grant bail to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in a money laundering case related to the alleged excise scam. The court stated that the trial court failed to properly consider the evidence presented by the Enforcement Directorate and did not give sufficient opportunity for the agency to argue their case. The alleged excise scam was brought to light in 2022 and resulted in the CBI ordering an investigation into possible irregularities and corruption.
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In its order granting bail to Delhi CM and AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal, a Delhi court criticized the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for its biased investigation in the money laundering case against him. The court stated that the ED failed to provide any direct evidence linking Kejriwal to the proceeds of the crime and also did not show that another accused was acting on his behalf. The court further questioned the ED's silence on certain key issues and ordered Kejriwal's release on a bail bond of ₹1 lakh.