In a recent interview at the Malhar Film Festival, actress Dia Mirza raved about her co-actor Vijay Varma's commitment to his role in the upcoming series ‘IC814’. Directed by Anubhav Sinha, the series follows the true story of the hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight 814 by Pakistani militants. Mirza expressed her admiration for Varma's complete immersion in the character, stating that she never saw him out of character during the entire shoot. The series is set to release soon and also features other popular actors like Pratik Gandhi and Sakshi Tanwar.
Netflix has recently added a disclaimer to their series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack, following allegations of distorting facts and using incorrect names for the hijackers. Director Anubhav Sinha has faced criticism and even a PIL has been filed against the makers. In response to the uproar, Netflix has updated their disclaimer to include the real and code names of the hijackers.
The recently released Netflix series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack has been caught in a controversy over the use of code names by the hijackers in the show. In response, the streaming platform has announced that they will update the opening disclaimer of the series to include the real names of the terrorists along with the code names. The show's authenticity has been defended by casting director Mukesh Chhabra, citing proper research. The series, directed by Anubhav Sinha, is based on the 1999 Indian Airlines flight hijacking and can now be streamed on Netflix.
Monika Shergill, the content chief of Netflix India, has been called to appear before the government after their series 'IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack' received backlash for using only Hindu codenames for the hijackers. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting expressed concern over the portrayal of hijackers and demanded an explanation from Shergill. This development highlights the sensitivity surrounding depicting historical and cultural events in content.
A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has been filed in the Delhi High Court seeking a ban on the OTT series 'IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack' for allegedly distorting facts about the real identities of the hijackers. The plea, filed by a farmer and president of Hindu Sena, also seeks to cancel the Central Board of Film Certification certificate and ban the series from public viewing. Meanwhile, the central government has summoned the content head of Netflix India to explain the contentious aspects of the series portraying the 1999 hijack.
The Indian government has summoned Monika Shergill, the content head of Netflix, over the controversy surrounding their recently released series "IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack". The series, loosely based on a real-life event, faced backlash for allegedly changing the names of the hijackers. The government has stated that this issue is being taken seriously and that the sentiments of the people should not be harmed in the name of entertainment. The creators of the series have been asked to be responsible and show respect towards the culture and civilization of India.
The Indian government has called for a meeting with Netflix content head Monika Shergill regarding the controversial series IC814: The Kandahar Hijack, which is currently streaming on their platform. The series, based on the 1999 Indian aircraft hijacking, has faced backlash for allegedly changing the names of the hijackers to "Bhola" and "Shankar". The government has stated that nobody has the right to play with the sentiments of the country's people and that the matter is being taken seriously. The series, directed by Anubhav Sinha and featuring an ensemble cast, is produced by Matchbox Shots and Benaras Mediaworks.
Anubhav Sinha's latest thriller series, 'IC 814', which premiered on Netflix on August 29, has sparked a major controversy due to alleged name changes of hijackers involved in the Kandahar hijacking incident of 1999. Netizens are upset about the fact that the makers chose to use codenames rather than the real names of the hijackers, as stated by the Union Home Ministry. The series, now available to stream on Netflix, features an ensemble cast including Vijay Varma, Pankaj Kapur, Naseeruddin Shah, and Dia Mirza.
Social media users are calling for a boycott of the new Bollywood film "IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack" for allegedly changing the names of the terrorists involved in the 1999 incident to 'Shankar' and 'Bhola' in order to protect their real identities. Some users are accusing director Anubhav Sinha of distorting facts and pushing a specific agenda, while others are outraged at the perceived glorification of terrorism. In response, casting director Mukesh Chhabra claims the nicknames were used by the terrorists themselves and proper research was done for the film.
Netizens are calling for a boycott of Anubhav Sinha's mini series 'IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack' as they accuse the director of whitewashing the 1999 hijacking of an Indian Airlines flight by terrorists. They are particularly upset about the changed names of the terrorists in the series. The series follows the hijacking of Flight 814 and its multiple stops before landing in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The all-star cast includes Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur, Vijay Varma, Dia Mirza, Arvind Swamy, and Dia Mirza.