TV actor Aman Jaiswal, known for his lead role in the popular show Dhartiputra Nandini, passed away in a tragic road accident at the young age of 23 in Mumbai. The news was confirmed by the show's writer, Dhiraj Mishra, who shared his condolences on social media. Jaiswal's friend shared that he was on his way to an audition when the accident occurred. The talented actor's untimely demise has left the entire team of Dhartiputra Nandini in shock and mourning.
Boat, a popular audio wearable brand, has announced its collaboration with cricketer Yashasvi Jaiswal as its new brand ambassador. Through a video featuring Jaiswal and Boat's co-founder and CMO Aman Gupta, the brand hopes to inspire fans with their shared love for music and sports. The partnership reflects Boat's focus on innovation, excellence and connecting with the youth market. Boat's other brand ambassadors include Hardik Pandya, Tilak Varma, and Jemimah Rodrigues, making it a popular choice among young Indian athletes. The brand was founded in 2016 and is known for its trendy designs, high-quality sound, and affordable prices.